SaiTech has capabilities and experience in providing administrative support in the following areas.
- NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Contracts
- NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements
- Document Imaging and Records Management
- Procurement and Internal Training Purchases
- Human Resources Personnel Action and Benefits Processing
- Telephone Services that includes telephone instruments, pagers, and smart mobile phones
- Mailroom Support
- Technical Writing
Highlights of Experience:
- Support includes researching all of NASA’s grants and cooperative agreements by creating all necessary award documents and processing administrative changes, incremental funding, no-cost extensions, and property administrations. Support has also included the research and preparation of budget analysis for all grants and contracts.
- Within the NASA Shared Services Center’s Human Resources (HR) service area, SaiTech supported transactional activities required to process and maintain personnel actions, as well as provide guidance and support to NASA employees regarding the availability and entitlement to benefits and retirement programs.
- SaiTech also provided administrative support in document imaging and records management functional areas.
We also provide telephone services administration that includes procuring telephone sets, inventory management, support moves and adds, and telephone billing support.